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With proper knowledge, you will use door locks much more effectively and avoid various kinds of issues related to them. Use the information on this page with frequently asked questions to expand your knowledge further. It contains answers which are informative, interesting and extremely valuable. Make full use of them.

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What are key guards?

Like key cabinets, key guards are also used for storing keys. However, they are smaller and can only store from 1 to 5 keys. According to our specialists, they are often used on apartments or vacation homes where people only seldom stay. Instead of placing the key somewhere unsafe like below the doormat or flower pot, they are stored on key guards where they are safer.

Can I still have a key copied even if it says "Do not copy"?

Yes, you can still have it copied. However, you need to have an authorization from the supervisor or owner to have it copied. You also need the following information on the key that requires copying such as the person authorizing the letter the person getting the keys and how many numbers of keys will be copied.

If I lose my house key, is replacing it sufficient for protecting my home?

Getting a new key won’t help with the protection of your house because if whoever finds the missing key will be able to enter freely. To ensure that no intruder will be able to get the old key, you should get the lock rekeyed or replaced. In either case, you will get a new set of keys to use. Replacement is the better option when the lock is damaged or outdated.

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